Hey there! :) Here's your reminder to SMILE and look for the good around you! :)
I'm so happy you are here with me! I've got a lot of random thoughts to share along with some laid-back apparel and accessories that I created just for the inner Rebel in all of us! Take a look around! Shop! Grab some codes for some of my favorite online finds! I've got a little bit of everything to make your day just a little bit brighter! Thank you for being here and supporting your favorite Rebel!
In a world where you can be anything, be a ReBeL - be kind. :)
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Take Back Your Power

Your imperfections make you human. Finding a way to love those imperfections makes you a rebel.

Inner Rebel

It seems easy to go with the crowd, but our soul knows what’s up and it won’t let us feel peace until we stand up for what we really believe. It won’t give up until we rebel.


A rebel doesn’t care what others think of them as much as they care what they think of themselves.

The Good Stuff

A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. 🙂

Get to know Carrie Sevison (the sometimes chaotic mind behind the brand), the how, the why, and the what behind Rebel



This place and all I create is for the inner Rebel within all of us. The Rebel that seems quiet and carefree, but deep down in the depth of their soul is loud and ready for the good fight. For the Rebel that waits patiently for the right time to set the world on fire. For the Rebel that is kind and here to change the world, one small act at a time. For the Rebel that feels the weight of the world but keeps going anyway. For the Rebel that isn’t here for the negativity and hatred in the world. For the Rebel that loves people but hates how society has twisted perceptions and made lack of understanding the new norm. For the Rebel that can listen to understand and not just to respond. For the Rebel that is growing and becoming a better person each day. That Rebel is why I do what I do. I started off wanting to rebel in my own way and by doing so, I have been finding more people like me (and more people like you). Not rebellious in a loud in your face way, but in a way that hits you in the feels makes a difference. Here you’ll find everything from random thoughts to fun apparel and one of a kind jewelry and accessories. From cute beach stacks to add a little extra something to your summer, to jewelry with reminders, to fun apparel that makes your Rebel Soul happy. It’s all for US! Love and Light to all of you!


Something I love doing is finding things that people get rid of or no longer need and up-cycling or repurposing them. That’s where the majority of my beach cover-ups, flannels, and jackets come from which means each item is ONE-OF-A-KIND. When it’s gone, IT’S GONE, so don’t wait if you see something you want. I scour the second hand shops, flea markets, and yard sales for fun pieces that I see potential in. The best thing about this is I get to be creative while offering unique pieces for all of my rebels out there!


Check ‘em out!

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Becoming a rebel is different for everyone but it should include some common things. Keep going and growing until you reach your full Rebel potential.

Free Thinker 0

Embracing Light 0

Working on Being a Better Person 0

Showing Kindness 0

Setting Healthy Boundaries 0

Learning Our Own Toxic Traits 0

Leading by Example Rather than Being Outspoken 0

Living Authentically 0

Problem Solving 0

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